Legal Document Preparation Fees
Dissolution of Marriage with Minor Children $750.00 plus court fees and costs.
Dissolution of Marriage without Minor
Children ($650.00 plus court fees and cost
Legal Separation with Minor Children (same as disolution, plus court fees and costs)
Legal Separation without Minor Children (same as dissolution, plus court fees and costs)
Child Support - ($400.00, plus fees and costs)
Custody and Parenting Plan- ($750.00, plus court fees) and costs
Name Change - ($450.00 plus court fees and costs)
Paternity - ($750.00, plus court fees and costs)
Modification and Custody - ($750.00, plus court fees and costs)
Modification and Parenting Plan- ($700.00)
Temporary Orders - ($550.00, plus court fees and costs)
Guardianship ($750.00, plus court fees and costs)
Last Will and Testament ($500.00-$1500.00, plus recording fees and costs)
Living Will ($500.00-1500.00 plus recording fees and costs)
Quit Claim Deed - ($400.00 plus recording fees and costs)
Power of Attorney - (simple 250.00, detailed $450.00 plus recording and costs)
Probate $1250.00
Estate Planning, depending on size of estate.
Restoration of Civil Rights $1250.00
all research, documentation absolute discharge included.
Legal Work not listed will be quoted upon request.
Rush fee $200.00 and up
Additional fees for complex and large case filings $150.00 and up
All fees are just estimates but contingent on the amount of time to complete and complexity of matter.
Immigration Document Preparation​
list is short but we do handle all matters pertaining to immigration.
​Pardon - Waivers - $500.00
Affidavit of Support - $350.00
Employment Application - $475.00
Citizenship - $600.00​
Adjustment of Status - $750.00
Adjustment of Status when benificiary is in the US, $1500.00,(complete package for alien status)
Petition/Green Card - $500.00
Green card replacement-$350.00
Certificate of Citizenship Replacement-600.00
fees are estimates and contingent of amount of time and complexity of matter.
Certified Translations-cost depending on length and complexity
Business Tax Forms Filings
Business Taxes - $450.00-$750.00
Corporation Tax Return $750.00- $1500.00
Monthly Bookeeping - $250.00 and up
State and City Business Tax Filing $100.00-$200.00, Varies by revenue reporting
940, 941 $100.00-$150.00, first 5 employees
AZ Unemployment reports, $100.00-$150.00 first 5 employees
1099 - $150.00, first 5 contractors
Other services available upon request. Bookkeeping clients pay less for reports and filings as we do the record keeping in quickbooks.​
soon to come motor vehicle services.